Amanda Cannon Amanda Cannon


“Girls Geared For Greatness has prepared me to start thinking, practicing, and acting on skills that will help me once I leave my home next year. I feel that I am blossoming and growing into a responsible and careful adult that understands myself. I feel this program helps you not only be prepared to deal with the world but ourselves.”

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Amanda Cannon Amanda Cannon


Girls Geared For Greatness is a good way to become better prepared for situations, as well as relieve stress. It also helps you realize other people go through similar things as you and that there is always some way to cope or handle the situation.

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Amanda Cannon Amanda Cannon


“Girls Geared For Greatness inspires me to be the better version of myself at dance and school. It makes me want to be around my friends and family and understand each other more.”

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Amanda Cannon Amanda Cannon


“Learning about famous women role models and talking about Girls Geared For Greatness has made me feel strong, empowered, and capable. I am excited to see where this organization goes and how it impacts the girls in our community and beyond!”

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Amanda Cannon Amanda Cannon


“Girls Geared For Greatness has really helped me reflect on who I am as a person. It has taught me so much and I have realized new things about how I treat others and myself. This is just what I needed, a time/place where I can come to relax and think about only me and my feelings. I found out that it is super important to take time to focus on myself, and by doing this, I can be a better person for everyone around me.”

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Amanda Cannon Amanda Cannon


“It is so wonderful that we are working so hard to help girls realize their worth and power, even beginning at young ages. That knowledge and mentality is truly what is shaping the future for the better, and Girls Geared For Greatness will continue to make an impact on that movement. Absolutely everyone can benefit from this program and help begin that domino effect, chain reaction of female empowerment.”

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