Active Listening

The Skill of Active Listening

By: Bevin Adams

Active listening is making a conscious effort to hear, understand, and retain information that's being relayed to you. It’s a skill that takes time and effort to do well. When mastered, it will set you apart as a strong, empathetic leader.

Here are five steps to become a better active listener:

  1. Make eye contact. It takes effort to maintain eye contact, and it shows that you are actively listening.

  2. If you cannot concentrate on what the person is saying, try mentally repeating what they tell you. It will help you focus and retain the information.

  3. Ask follow up questions. There is no better indicator of active listening than by being able to ask questions relevant to the subject matter at hand. The more specific, the better.

  4. Do not solely anticipate your turn to speak. If you catch yourself wanting the other person to stop talking so you can say something, you are not being an attentive listener. Give all of your brainpower to the person talking to you, instead of what you are going to say when they are done.

  5. Do not interrupt or pass judgment as the person is talking. Let them finish their thought and listen as they explain. This is not a time for counter arguments or to tell them they are wrong.


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